Before enrollment, you will need to complete all forms provided by New Generation Child Care Center. The following are especially important:
- Our center participates in the Child & Adult Food Program under the guidance of the Texas Department of Agriculture. The CAFCP helps to ensure that your children are served healthy meals and provides our center assistance with food costs that help us keep your child’s tuition more affordable. Upon enrollment, we will issue you an enrollment code. Log on using your enrollment code to to complete the enrollment process.
- Current immunization records must be furnished before a child can attend (Please see the “Immunization Requirements” page in this handbook). Anytime your child is given a new immunization, please bring the updated record to the school, and we will make a new copy for our files.
- At the time of enrollment, we must have an updated doctor’s health care statement for each child.
- Anytime there is a change of address or phone number, remember to complete a “Personal Data Update” form and give it to the Director.
- Inform us if there is a change in who is authorized to pick your child up from the school.
- At the anniversary of your child’s enrollment, New Generation Child Care Center will require a new enrollment package to be filled out. A new enrollment package may also be required if your child returns after a period of dis-enrollment.